New Hope For People
People Could Be Already Healed With My Anti-Cancer, Anti-Viral And
Anti-Autoimmune Inventions
Alexander Cherkasky
http:// feasibilityofalexandercherkask
http:// cherkaskysneweconomicmodel.
http:// likenaturalsyntheticdiamonds.
My name is Alexander Cherkasky, I am award-winning and
media-highlighted inventor and biologist and my story concerns various
fields including science, economy and general information relating to
all people, especially because my already published inventions can
help people. My inventions can heal. And a number of my inventions was
confirmed and my inventions are feasible and work.
The totality of facts described below is very near to everybody and
this totality of the facts disclosed below is unique. Thus I am
seeking for support for commercial implementation of my proposed
inventions, especially my anti-cancer, anti-viral, anti-autoimmune
inventions, inventions against metabolic disorders, inventions for
prolongation of cell life and extension of human life, renewal of
cells and tissues, regenerations, especially for neural regeneration,
and sequencing and diagnostic inventions, as well as inventions of
novel high-quality like-natural (like-as-natural) synthetic diamonds,
new lubricants and new materials, especially building materials. In
addition to seeking for partners for joint foundations of companies, I
am also seeking for support for establishing the new research
institute for further working on my solutions of biomedical problems.
Interesting is, that certain firms including Micromet, (who wanted to
be a ”future leader”), Merck in Darmstadt (Germany), Bayer, Apogenix,
Halcyon Molecular, Vaxil, Vecoy and ZS Genetics as well as the
organization Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum (DKFZ, German Cancer
Research Center) are involved in plagiarism, in stealing my inventions
of anti-cancer fusion protein cures, anti-viral therapies and fast
genome sequencing systems.
Micromet, which was listed on the technology stock exchange NASDAQ (as
a public company with ticker symbol MITI) and which is now merged into
Amgen and renamed, ignored my two comments on Google Finance, in
Discussion Group about Micromet, although Micromet was a public
About Micromet’s plagiarism of my anticancer and antiautoimmune
inventions wrote also The New Rhein Newspaper (NRZ) Dusseldorf on
March 26, 2013, also because Micromet was a German company and I
immigrated from Ukraine to Germany in 1996 and I started to invent, to
create theoretical problem solutions (without lab, without working in
a laboratory).
Amgen denied to give any statement to NRW Dusseldorf about its deal
with Micromet, although Amgen is also a public company.
NRZ Dusseldorf wrote also about the plagiarist Apogenix, who stated
and just still continues to state that ”its” anticancer inventions are
I filed my first invention (of targeted genetically engineered
oncolytic viruses with recognizing receptors or antibodies) in the
year 1998, (my German patent application DE19818938), as I was student
at Goethe-Gymnasium (High School) in Dusseldorf.
The New Yorker Nobel Laureate Joshua Lederberg tried to claim this
invention in his US patent application US20040033584, but because I
had and have priority in Germany, which is priority worldwide,
Lederberg’s patent application was not new and not inventive.
The international patent application WO2006119449 for oncolytic
viruses of the American inventor David Curiel is also not novel and
not inventive because of my prior German patent publication
This my DE19818938 makes also the US patent application US20040247569
”Reduction in bacterial colonization by administering bacteriophage
compositions” of Intralytix, Inc., Baltimore, MD, US, (named inventors
are Glenn Morris, Alexander Sulakvelidze, Zemphira Alavidze (Tbilisi,
GE), Gary Pasternack and Torrey Brown; filed: December 2, 2003) not
new and not inventive.
In the years 1999 and 2000 I participated on the scientfic youth
competition ”Jugend forscht” (”Youth researches”) and presented my
inventions of novel anti-Alzheimer, anti-autoimmune and anti-cancer
fusion proteins. It evoked broad interest of press and about me and
inventions of mine reported Stern (The Star, March 25, 1999), Bild der
Wissenschaft (Picture of Science), Westdeutsche Zeitung (Westgerman
Newspaper), Neue Rhein Zeitung (New Rhein Newspaper), Rheinische Post
(Rhein Post) and other media.
”Jugend forscht” or ”Youth researches” was observed by the firm Bayer,
who made obstacles, but paid approximately 300 million euro to the
plagiarist Micromet for my invention presented at ”Youth researches”
in 2000!
For my novel selective anticancer fusion proteins I was awarded the
Bronze Medal ”For Outstanding Achievements” and the Honorary
Certificate of the largest international inventors competition in
Germany IENA (Ideas-Inventions-New Products) 2003 in Nuremberg.
By searches in the data banks of patent literature I discovered, that
a number of my inventions were used, were implemented and confirmed
with success by experiments and in certain cases my name and my
according patent documents were mentioned, refenced and in other cases
my name and my according patent documents were not referenced. The
cases, in which my name and according patent publications are not
referenced, although I have clearly documented priority and
inventorship, are either cases of plagiarism, because the totality of
joint features is obvious and plagiarists are not able to explain the
differences, that would make their ”inventions” new and inventive, or
are cases of insufficient searches in the data banks for patent
literature. Plagiarists are, in this context, persons, who are aware
of my according priority and inventorship, but in despite of this
knowledge, these persons continue to make false statements about
inventorship, but such statements are false, because no arguments or
no evidence were provided by these plagiarists.
Please read the following blogs to learn more:
http:// feasibilityofalexandercherkask
http:// plagiaristsdkfzandapogenix. and
http://plagiaristvecoy. .
Interestingly, the US company Halcyon Molecular cited my German
patent DE19937512 for fast genome sequencing in their US patent
US8153438, but Halcyon Molecular did not explained a difference, that
would make their patent , (issued by error of examiner and thus
rejectable after reexamination with the USPTO), new and inventive.
Errors of patent examiners can take place and this is obvious on
illustrative examples of issued US patents US7323440 (of Micromet) for
Fc-Autoantigen, especially Fc-AchR fusion proteins and US8007813
(based on the US patent applications US20070269449 and US20110305697
of Apogenix) for Fc-Receptor and Fc-Ligand fusion proteins, although
all Fc-Autoantigen, Fc-Receptor-Region, Fc-Receptor and Fc-Ligand
fusion proteins are disclosed in my prior patent publication
DE10160248. Because of this my DE10160248 both issued by error of
examiners US patents US7323440 of Micromet and US8007813 of Apogenix
can be reexamined and invalidated/rejected after reexamination by the
Because of my DE10160248 a number of patent documents/patent
applications are not new and not inventive. These published not new
and not inventive patent documents of others include the following:
EP2465524 (European patent application “Autoantibody production
inhibitor” of Nihon Pharmaceuticals in Tokyo (JP) describing
Fc-Autoantigen fusion proteins), WO2012159550 (“FGFR-Fc Fusion Protein
and Use thereof” of Yantai RC Biotechnogies Ltd (CN), Jianmin Fang
(CN), and Dong Li (CN)), NZ591970 (“Fusion Constructs and Use of Same
to Produce Antibodies with Increased Fc Receptor Binding Affinity and
Effector Function” of Pablo Umana, Peter Bruenker, Claudia Ferrara and
Tobias Suter at Roche Glycart AG, (also published as AU2012213963)),
MX2011011044 (“Antibody Fusion Proteins with Modified FcRN Binding
Sites” of Kin-Ming Lo (DE) and Pascal Andre Stein at Merck Patent
GmbH; especially claim 8 describing Fc Fragment), US20120093814
(“Fusion Proteins Comprising Canine FC Portions” of Keith Canada,
Sanjaya Singh, Xiangyang Zhu at Boehringer Ingelheim International
GmbH (DE)), NZ569702 (“Recombinant human EPO-Fc fusion proteins with
prolonged half-life and enhanced erythropoietic activity in vivo” of
Wang Houtao Du Yong et al at Novagen Holding Corp), KR20120028358
(“Truncated ACTR II B-Fc Fusion Proteins” of Seehra Jasbir (US) and
Kumar Ravindra (US) at Acceleron Pharma (US)), KR20120041139 (“Human
Interleukin-1 Receptor Antagonist-Hybrid Fc Fusion Protein” of Handkok
Pharmaceuticals Co Ltd (KR)) and US20120116056 (“Fc fusion proteins of
human growth hormone” of Sun Bill Nai-Chau (CN), Liou Ruey-Shyan (US)
et al).
But known are the cases in which examiners of patent offices done
searches and sent search reports to others, revealing with these
search reports, that my according prior patent documents made and make
claims and descriptions of others not novel and not inventive. For
example, my patent document DE19925052 was sent as search result for
the following patent publications of others: WO03070193 (”RNA
Interference Mediated Inhibition of HIV Gene Expression Using Short
Interfering Nucleic Acid (siNA)” of Sirna Therapeutics Inc. (US),
James McSwiggen (US), Leonid Beigelman (US) and Dennis Macejak (US),
also published as US20030175950, JP2006502694, EP1572128, CA2476394
and AU2003215345), EP1361891 (and WO02/066514 (PCT/EP02/01690))
(”Artifical Fusion Proteins with Reduced Immunogenicity” of Stephen
Gillies (US), Francis Carr (GB), Tim Gones (GB), Graham Carter (GB),
Anita Hamilton (GB), Stephen Williams (GB), Marian Haulon (GB), John
Watkins (GB), Matthew Baker (GB) and Jeffrey Way (US) at Merck Patent
GmbH (DE), (whreby Merck (Patent GmbH) replied to me in 1998 with deny
of cooperation, stating, that my proposed inventions are outside of
Merck’s research focus)), and EP1308516 (”Site-directed Recombinase
Fusion Proteins and Corresponding Polynucleotides, Vectors and Kits
and Their Uses for Site-directed DNA-Recombination” (Filed: October
24, 2001 and published on May 07, 2003) of Ferenc Mueller (DE), Uwe
Straehle (DE), Laszlo Tora (FR), Olasz Ferenc (HU), Janos Kiss (HU)
and Monika Szabo (HU) at Association pour le Developement de la
Recherche en Genetique Moleculaire in Paris). Plagiarism of Apogenix
and German Cancer Reserch Center DKFZ, confirmed by examiners of the
European Patent Office, was descibed in my blog
http:// plagiaristsdkfzandapogenix.
Examiners sent my DE10162867 as research result concerning the
international patent application WO2006045591 (PCT/EP2005/011441)
“Method and Constructs for Delivery Double Strauded RNA to Pest
Organisms” of Devgen NV (BE), Thierry Andre Olivier Bogaert (BE),
Richard Zwaal (BE), Geert Plaetnik (BE), Jan Octaaf de Kerpel (BE) and
Titus Jan Kaletta (BE).
I have developed programs of inventions including anti-cancer,
anti-autoimmune and anti-viral inventions.
My anticancer inventions (my program including my DE10350122,
DE19925052, DE19818938, DE19922406, DE10160248, DE10161899,
DE10161738, DE10161739, DE10162870, DE10162867, DE10350131,
DE102005028619, WO2006136892, WO2005040382, US20070106066 and
US20080200652) comprise inventions which allow to modify cancer cells
in order to normalize or combat them by acting on cytoskeleton,
cytoxically and/or by attracting T cells against target cells. In
addition, the effects of the anti-cancer antibodies which are already
on the market can be boosted by using my novel antibody-binding fusion
proteins. Damaged tissue can be regenerated with my inventions of
genetically modified cells expressing regeneration and genesis
proteins (my published German patent document DE19951694).
Because of my DE19925052, DE10161738 and DE10162870 covering novel
cytotoxic fusion proteins, the international patent application
WO2005116221 for immune suppressive hCTLA4-Ig (human cytotoxic T
lymphocyte antigen-Immunoglobulin)-fusion proteins (of Boryung Pharm
(KR))), is not new and not inventive.
Because of my DE19925052 (and DE10162870) the following publications
of others, disclosing fusion proteins containing cell specific
recognition domains in order to direct immune cells against target,
preferably cancer cells, or fusion proteins containing cell specific
and cytotoxic domains, (as well as spacers and protease-sensitive
sites), are not new and not inventive: WO2007002905 and EP1909832
(“Antibody-Immune Cell Ligand Fusion Protein for Cancer Therapy” of
Joseph Rosenblatt (US), Khaled Tolba (US) and Seung-Uon Shin (US) at
the University of Miami, (claim 18 discloses also “a monocyte
receptor, a B-cell surface receptor, and/or a T cell surface
receptor”), US20070071759 (“Antibody-Immune Cell Ligand Fusion Protein
for Cancer Therapy” of and Seung-Uon Shin, Joseph Rosenblatt, Khaled
Tolba at University of Miami), WO2006083961 (“Targeted Polypeptides”
(according to the abstract “for treating, preventing, and/or
monitoring therapy for a B-cell proliferative disorder”) of Michael
Rosenblum (US), Lawrence Cheung (US) and Mi-Ae Lyu (US) at Reserch and
Development Foundation (US); especially the claims 1-14, whereby
claims 4,5,10 and 14 describe cytotoxic B-cell targeting fusion
proteins), EP1217070, WO02052022 and AU2002229675 (“Selective
cytotoxic fusion proteins” of Felicia Rosenthal, Ou Cao and Peter
Kulmburg at Cellgenix Technologie Transfer; claim 27 reveals “a
polypeptide comprising…receptor (IL-2 receptor), …spacer
and…ribonuclease…”, (fusion proteins according to my DE19925052A1
comprise a receptor (claim 5), nuclease (claim 21), and hinge/spacer
domain (11 in Fig.1, Fig.3 and Fig.5)), claim 1 of EP1217070 reveals
“…a fusion protein which comprises a first polypeptide capable of
binding to a cell surface receptor present on human cells and a second
polypeptide which is toxic to a human cell after internalization of a
said second polypeptide by the human cell”; this fusion protein is
revealed in claims 5,12 and 13 and Fig.1 of my DE19925052A1),
US20110071214 (“Methods and Compositions for the Treatment of Cancer”
of Allen Gregory John (AU), (also published as WO2009137872 and
CA2760041), especially claims 1,4,83 (single-chained antibody) and 88
(haematological cancer)), US200600228404 (“Compositions and methods
for treatment of hypertrophic tissues” of Daniel Anderson (US), Robert
Langer, Robert Padera, Weidan Peng and Janet Sawicki; especially
claims 24,42 (cytotoxic or cytostatic polypeptide), 48 and 100
(site-specific recombinase), 104 (toxins), (the according claims in my
DE19925052A1 are 5,1 and 21)), US20120269837 (“Substance binding human
IgG Fc Receptor IIb (Fc gamma RIIb)” of the Nobelist Robert Huber
(DE), Peter Sondermann (CH), Kerstin Wendt (DE), Chiara Cabrele (DE)
and Luis Moroder (DE); especially the claims 57, 60 (polypeptide of
claim 57 conjugated to Fc [gamma] RIIb or Fc (gamma) RIIa) and 73
(cancer); (see claim 5 of my DE19925052A1), US20120269837 is also
published as WO2005051999, US2008014141, PT1709073 and PL1709073 and
is not novel also because of my DE10160248, DE10202191 and
DE102005028619), US20120107301 (“Method of treating autoimmune disease
by inducing antigen presentation by tolerance inducing antigen
presenting cells” of Katherine Bowdish (US), Anke Kretz-Rommel (US),
and Naveen Dakappagari at Alexion Pharma (US), especially the claims
8,13 (an antibody/peptide construct as in claim 8 further comprising a
toxin linked to the antibody) and 14 (tumor cell toxin); US20120107301
is also published as WO2004091543, US20060257412, US20060280679 and
NZ577166 and is also not novel because of my DE10133071), WO2007048022
(“Antibody-polypeptide Fusion Proteins and Methods for Producing and
Using Same” of Anke Kretz-Rommel et al at Alexion Pharma; this fact
was also described in my blog http://cherkaskyoffers.
and US20110275120 (“Fusion Proteins with Cleavable Spacers and Uses
Thereof” of Shen Wei-Chiang (US) et al at University of Southern
California; also published as WO2008121898, US20080299612, US7956158
(which can be invalidated and withdrawn after re-examination with the
USPTO), JP2010522570 and EP2139318, which are not novel because of
claim 12 and Fig. 3 (11 (hinge or spacer) and 9 (protease sensitive
site), 9 and 11 in combination) of my DE19925052A1).
My anti-autoimmune inventions (DE19822406, DE10133071 (making for
example MBP-toxin disclosed in WO2011101870 “Fusion Proteins for the
Treatment of Multiple Sclerosis and other Autoimmune Disorders” of
Kollipara Koteswara Rao (IN) at Transgene Biotek Ltd (IN) not novel
and not inventive), and DE10160248) allow to cleave and/or to
remove/neutralize autoantibodies and destroy autoreactive cells,
especially autoreactive B and T cells. And my DE19951694 allows to
regenerate tissue(s) destroyed especially by autoimmune attacks. With
my DE10202191 (Method for isolation and manipulation of single
molecules) still unknown autoantigens (from autoantigen candidates)
can be identified (0034-0038 of my DE10202191). Based on the
autoantigen information, new anti-autoimmune fusion proteins according
to my DE19822406, DE10133071 and DE10160248 can be made.
My anti-viral inventions allow to combat viruses both inside the cells
(by using my cell-specific, cell-penetrating and blocking nucleic acid
(antiviral ribozyme or antisense RNA)- transportating fusion proteins
disclosed in my German patent DE19925052) and outside the cells by
using my invention of cell-traps for viruses (my invention DE19951694
from the year 1999).
DE19951694 is a multipurpose invention comprising genetically modified
cells, especially immune cells, which express, for example neural or
neurogenesis proteins (like NGF, BDNF and/or other neural proteins)
for (in vivo) immune cell-induced neurogenesis and neural regeneration
(claims 5 and 16 and description, column 5, lines 30-36) and these
genetically modified cells, preferably immune cells, express also, or
alternatively, myelinogenesis proteins for immune cell-induced
myelination as well as myogenesis proteins for immune cell-induced
regeneration of muscles (claim 14) and/or angiogenesis proteins for
immune cell-induced angiogenesis (claim 3).
Cell-traps for viruses express antiviral antisense RNA and/or
antiviral ribozymes (for netralizing or cleavage/destruction of viral
RNA or DNA) and receptors for viral recognition, (like CD4 for HIV,
see claim 11 of my DE19951694).
Fusion proteins and fusion protein complexes according to DE19925052
can recognize targeted cells, (already infected cells or cells, that
can be infected), through the recognition region, penetrate them and
internalize into them through the mebrane penetration domains (MPD) or
cell penetration peptides (CPP) and bring into cells molecules,
especially antiviral RNA (such as specifically cleaving ribozyme(s) or
specifically neutralizing antisense RNA).
Fusion proteins containing any random protein (to be transported into
a cell) and MPD (membrane penetration domain) or CPP (for membrane
penetration and internalization) are covered by my published
DE19925052A1 (claims 4, 5, 6, 11 and 12), DE19951694 (claims 4 and 9)
and DE10162867 in the claim 1.
Because of my patent publication DE10162867 (claim 1 discloses fusion
proteins comprising, i.e. containing membrane penetration domain and
any other region/domain), as well as my DE19951694 and DE19925052, the
following publications of others, disclosing fusion proteins
containing MPD or CPP, are not novel and not inventive:US20120135021
(”Cell Penetrating Peptides and Its Use Fused to Biomolecules With
Therapeutic Action” of Torens Madrazo; Isis del Carmen; (Ciudad de la
Habana, CU); Guerra Vallespi; Maribel (CU); Granadillo Rodriguez;
Milaid; (CU); Reyes Acosta; Osvaldo (CU); Acevedo Casto; (CU) and
Boris Ernesto; (CU)), KR20020074282 (”Cell-Transducible Catalase
Fusion Protein And The Use Theseof” of Choi Su Young (KR) et al; also
published as KR100495139), KR20020010445 (”Cell-Transducing HIV-1
TAT-Superoxide Dismutase Fusion Protein And Use Theseof” of Choi Su
Young et al), WO2011084061 (”CPP (Cell Penetrating Peptide) and Its
Uses” of Universitair Medisch Centrum St. Radboud (NL), Roland Brock
(DE) and Wouter Verdurmen (NL); especially claim 4 (”the cationic CPP
is selected from the group consiting of: a cationic CPP
peptidomimetic, an arginine-rich CPP, a guanidine-rich CPP
peptidomimetic, a CPP derived from the human milk protein
lactoferrin”) and claim 9 (”the CPP is used in combination with
another cancer therapy”)), MX2008008548 (”Peptides Useful As
Cell-Penetrating Peptides” of Roland Brock (DE), Rainer Fischer (DE),
Mariola Fotin-Mleczek (DE), Hansjoerg Hufnagel and Norbert Windhab at
Evonik Roehm GmbH; also published as WO2007076904, US20100061932,
SI1966240, KR20080091120 and JP2009521908), KR20100001091 (”Fusion
Peptides Introducing Antibody into Cells, and Cellular Imaging and
Targeted Drug Delivery System Using the Same” of Chung Sang Jeon (KR)
et al, at Korea Research Institute of Bioscience), CN102311500
(”Antiviral fusion protein and application therof” of Lei Yang et al.
at Hangzhou Normal University), KR20100006939 (”Method for
Reprogramming of Cells Using Fusion Protein Delivery” of Korea
Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology, (named ”inventors”
are Koo Deog Bon (KR), Kim Jang Hwan (KR), Cho Yee Sook (KR), Lee Seok
Jae (KR), and Park Tae Jung (KR))), and WO2010010112 (”Construct and
Method for the Internalization of Cargo Molecules Into a Cell” of DKFZ
Krebsforschungszentrum (DE), Markus Moosmeier (DE), Felix Hoppe-Seyler
(DE) and Karin Hoppe-Seyler (DE), also published as EP2147683).
Viral genetic information, i.e. viral nucleic acids inside cells can
be also specifically cleaved by selective fusion proteins containing
nuclease (enzyme for cleaving nucleic acids). This invention is
disclosed in my published German patent document DE10162870 (from the
year 2001). Because of my patent publications DE19925052 A1 (claims 5
and 21) and DE10162870, (claim 1 disloses also fusion proteins
containing nuclease and any other region or domain), the following
publications of others, disclosing fusion proteins containing
nuclease, are not novel and not inventive: WO2012168304 (”Protein
Having Nuclease Activing, Fusion Proteins and Uses Thereof” of
Helmholtz Zentrum Muenchen (Helmholtz Zentrum Muenchen-Deutsches
Forschungszentrum Fuer Gesundheit und Umwelt GmbH (DE)) and Ralf
Kuehn (DE)), WO2012168910 (”Nuclease Fusion Protein And Use Thereof”
of BASF Plant Science Co GmbH (DE), BASF China Co LTD (CN), Ines
Fonfara (DE), Wolfgang Wende (DE) and Alfred Pingoud (DE)),
WO2012169916 (”Sequence-Specific Engineered Ribonuclease H and The
Method for Determining the Sequence Preference of DNA-RNA Hybrid
Binding Proteins” of Miedzynarodowy Inst. Biolog. Molekularnej i
Komorkowej (PL), Janusz Marek Bujnicki (PL) et al; this WO2012169916
is also not novel because of my DE10162867 covering nucleic acid
binding fusion proteins), US20090123972 (”Staphylococcal nuclease
fusion proteins for the production of recombinant peptides” of Canada
Natural Research Council, (named inventors are Su Zhengding (CA) and
Ni Feng (CA)), WO2011159369 (”Nuclease Activity of Tal Effector and
Foki Fusion Protein” of University of Iowa Research Foundation (US),
named inventors are Yang Bing (US) and Li Ting (US)), WO2012168304
(”Protein Having Nuclease Activity, Fusion Proteins and Uses Thereof”
of Helmholtz Zentrum Muenchen (DE) and Ralf Kuehn (DE)) and
WO2011154393 (”Fusion Proteins Comprising A DNA-Binding Domain of A
Tal Effector Protein And A Non-Specific Cleavage Domain Of A
Restriction Nuclease And Their Use” of Helmholtz Zentrum Muenchen
(DE), Ralf Kuehn (DE) et al; also not novel because of my DE10162867,
claim 3 (disclosing fusion proteins containing DNA binding
My DE10162870, (claim 1 discloses also fusion proteins containing
GTPase or GTP hydrolase and any other domain), makes also not new and
not inventive the patent application US20120329725 (“Chimeric Peptides
for the Regulation of GTPases” of Yi Zheng (US) and David Williams
(US); especially claims 1 and 15 (GTPase domain from a GPA protein)).
Viral nucleic acids inside the cells can be also specifically blocked
and neutralized by selective fusion proteins containing nucleic
acid-binding regions for specific binding to and neutralization of
viral RNA and/or DNA sequences. The invention of the according fusion
proteins is disclosed in my published German patent document
DE10162867. These fusion proteins according to my published inventions
mentioned above can be used both against tumors and against viruses.
Because of my DE19925052A1 and my patent publication DE10162867,
(claim 3 discloses fusion proteins containing sequence-specific or
sequence-unspecific nucleic acid binding domains, like DNA- or
RNA-binding domains and any other domain), the following publications
of others, disclosing fusion proteins containing nucleic-acid binding
domains, are not novel and not inventive:
WO2012161227 (”Nucleic Acid Construct, Nucleic Acid-Protein Complex,
and Use Thereof” of Riken (JP), Akira Wada (JP) and Hiroyuki Osada
(JP)), WO2011072479 (”Fusion Protein Containing a Single-Stranded DNA
Binding Protein and Methods For Expression And Purificaton of the
Same” of Kong Daochun (CN) et al.), WO2011154393 (Fusion Proteins
Comprising a DNA-Binding Domain of a TAL Effector Protein And a
Non-Specific Cleavage Domain of a Restriction Nuclease and Their Use”
of Helmholtz Zentrum Muenchen (DE), Ralf Kuehn (DE), Wolfgang Wurst
(DE) and Melanie Meyer (DE); WO2011154393 is also published as
EP2392208 and is also not novel because of my DE10162870 disclosing in
the claim 1 of DE10162870 also fusion proteins containing nuclease),
KR20120065114 (”A Pharmaceutical Composition Using A Fusion Protein
Comprising DNA Binding Domain From GATA-3 of Transcription Factors And
Protein Transduction Domain For Treating An Allergic Asthma And A
Method Using The Same” of Lee Sang Kyou (KR) and Seong Ye Kyung (KR)
at Industry-Academic Cooperation Foundation and Yonsei University),
WO2012169916 (”Sequence-Specific Engineered Ribonuclease H and the
Method for Determining The Sequence Preference of DNA-RNA Hybrid
Binding Proteins” of Miedzynarodowy Inst. Biolog. Molekularnej i
Komorkowej (PL), Janusz Marek Bujnicki et al; also not new because of
my DE10162870 disclosing in claim 1 of DE10162870 also all nuclease
fusion proteins), US20120214208 (”Fusion Polypeptides and Uses
Thereof” (fusion proteins containing DNA-binding domain and ligase) of
Michael Patrick Wayne (NZ) and Robert Henry Wilson (NZ) at Massey
University (NZ); also published as WO2011034449, SG179200,
KR20120093882, EP2478014 and CN102597006), KR20120017913 (”An
Inhibitor for Transcription Factor of Fusion Protein Comprising DNA
Binding Domain of Transcription Factor And Protein Transduction
Domain” of Tae Yoon Park (KR) and Lee Sang Kyou (KR) at
Industry-Academic Cooperation Foundation, Yonsei University),
US20110123509 ”Fusion Molecules of Rationally Designed DNA-Binding
Proteins And Effector Domains” of Derek Jantz (US), Michael Nicholson
(US), and James Smith (US); also published as WO2009134714,
JP2011519558, EP2279250 and CA2722797), WO2012033382 (and
KR20120026927 ”Novel RNA-Binding Protein and Label-Free Detection
Method For Detecting Micro RNA Using Same” of Korea Research Institute
of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Jung Yong Won (KR) et al.),
US20100159527 (”Polypeptides Having Nucleic Acid Binding Activity and
Compositions and Methods For Nucleic Acid Amplification” of Life
Technologies Corp (US), (named ”inventors” are Patrick Martin (US),
David Simpson (US) and Christine Hardy (US); also published as
WO2006074233, US20060228726 and EP2208796) and US20020137699
(”Expression Systems Comprising Chimeric Promoters With Binding Sites
For Recombinant Transcriprion Factors” of Rolf Mueller (DE), Dirk
Nettelbeck (DE), (Dirk Nettelbeck is also involved in plagiarism of my
DE19818938, please see my blog
http:// plagiaristsdkfzandapogenix. for more information),
and Hans-Harald Sedlacek (DE)).
My published patent application DE10162867, (claims 3 and 6 (nucleic
acid-protein complexes), makes also not new and not inventive the
international patent application WO2012113513 (“Vaccine Composition
Comprising Compexed Immunostimulatory Nucleic Acids and Antigens
Packaged with Disulfide-Liked Polyethyleneglycol/Peptide(!)
Conjugates” of Curevac GmbH (DE), Patrick Baumhof (DE), Karl-Josef
Kallen (DE), Mariola Fotin-Mleczek (DE); especially claim 1).
Above mentioned Roland Brock (DE), Mariola Fotin-Mleczek (DE) as well
as Rainer Fischer (DE), (Rainer Fischer knows my published inventions,
also because I discussed my certain inventions with him), published a
joint above mentioned patent application MX2008008548 (“Peptides
Useful as Cell-Penetrating Peptides” of Evonik Roehm GmbH), and this
confirms relations and cooperative interconnections between some
persons involved in plagiarism of my inventions. According to Der
Spiegel (Nr. 42/15.10.2012, p. 76-79), CureVac got 65 million euro and
than 80 million euro (total 145 million euro) with help/share of
Dietmar Hopp’s biotech investment firm dievini. Spiegel wrote, that
CureVac received the highest investment, a German biotech company ever
received in a private financing round. CureVac is based in Tuebingen,
is led by Ingmar Hoerr and is developing RNA-based therapies and
vaccines for cancer and infectious diseases. All RNA-based therapies
for cancer and infectious diseases are covered by my DE19925052A1 and
DE10162867. Spiegel wrote incorrectly and wrong, that Hoerr first
stabilized RNA and “incidentally” “discovered” the “meaning of RNA”
(for therapy). A number of discoveries, that I already made,
(theoretically, without lab), was made “incidentally”. These
discoveries include some formula and inventions “made by” Micromet,
Halcyon Molecular (brothers Andregg), and the group of Terao, Washizu
and Oana, (wounding long DNA sequences around the bobbins), (please
see the blogs http:// feasibilityofalexandercherkask
http://alexandercherkasky. for more information). Thus,
in addition to CureVac, (who got 145 million euro investment),
Apogenix got 58,5 million euro investment, (also from dievini of
Dietmar Hopp, as well as from the German Cancer Research Center,
Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum (DKFZ), (who denied me support and
cooperation in 1998, (in reply from Dr. Ruth Herzog from May 28,
1998)), but DKFZ plagiaristically used my inventions and supported
Apogenix and invested in it, (although examiners of the European
Patent Office sent my DE10160248 as search report/search result to the
patent applications of Apogenix and DKFZ EP1606318 (“Improved Fc
Fusion Proteins”), WO2004/085478 and EP2004003239, i.e. DKFZ (from my
letter to DKFZ in 1998) and Apogenix were aware about me and my
inventions also from the search report of the European Patent Office;
these facts were described in the blogs
http:// plagiaristsdkfzandapogenix. and
http://plagiatorapogenix., (this second blog was written
in German)) and Apogenix got a 5 million euro gift or „donation“ for
„support“ from the German Ministry for Education and Research
(Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, BMBF), whereby BMBF was
and is aware about my inventions and published my inventions on the
website of BMBF,
( BIO/Navigation/DE/Service/ send2friend,did=28520.html),
i.e. BMBF was aware, that BMBF supported a plagiarist firm Apogenix),
Micromet got approximately 1 billion USD, (as part of it, approx. 300
million euro from Bayer, who observed my participation on “Youth
researches” scientific competition in 1999 and 2000, and was aware
about my presented inventions of therapeutic anti-Alzheimer and
anticancer fusion proteins, but Bayer did not awarded me and gave 300
million euro to Micromet for my presented anticancer invention;
another major part Micromet received from selling stocks on NASDAQ),
Halcyon Mollecular (brothers Andregg) got 28 million USD from
investors…, only to list some few plagiarists who got money via
deceiving investors and concealing my inventorship.
Because of easy invalidation of “intellectual property” of
plagiarists, (for example, patents issued by errors of examiners can
be reconsidered or reexamined, invalidated after reexaminations (with
the USPTO)), plagiarists can not protect products or product
candidates from competitors and thus investors can lose their invested
My anti-viral and anti-cancer invention published in my published
international patent application WO2006/136892 was used as basis and
cited/referenced both in the European patent application EP2447277 and
in the international patent application WO2012055985 (covering new
vaccines for HIV/AIDS) of the Spanish company Laboratorios del Dr.
Esteve and Spanish research institute Fundacio Privada Institut de
Reserca de la SIDA-Caixa. This confirms recognition and quality of my
invenitve work.
Founder of Vecoy Nanomedicines Erez Livneh stated and continues to
state, that nobody before him invented traps, (especially cell-traps)
for viruses, although he is aware about my priority and inventorship
of my according prior published German patent document DE19951694
covering also cell traps for viruses. Visit the blog
http://plagiaristvecoy. to learn more.
Thus Livneh’s published international patent application WO2013030831
(especially claims 1, 10 (the world ”cell”), 11, 12, 23, 25 and 31) is
not novel and not inventive because of my prior DE19951694.
Interestingly, this my published German patent application DE19951694
(from the year 1999), (Filing date: October 27, 1999)), which damages
and claims priority worldwide, discloses also in the claims 4 and 9
fusion proteins comprising random proteins of interest and membrane
penetration domains (MPD), as well as fusion proteins comprising
random proteins of interest and signal peptides, i.e. signal peptide
domains. Thus these fusion proteins can migrate in extracellular and
intracellular space (claim 4).
This my invention of fusion proteins comprising any protein and signal
peptide domain, disclosed in DE19951694, was descibed and
plagiaristically used by the Israeli company
Vaxil (by Lior Carmon) in its US20120177677 (”Antigen Specific
Multi-Epitope-Based Anti-infective Vaccines”), WO2011007359 and
EP2453914 (from the years 2009 and 2010) and ”Antigen Specific Multi
Epitope Vaccines” (US20100074925 (claims 39, 57, 58), EP2089423,
WO2008035350, CA2665816 and AU2007298494). In these publications Vaxil
described ”peptide vaccines including the signal peptide domain”
(Abstract of US20120177677 as well as claim 29 (”a vaccine comprising
a peptide or a recombinant polypeptide(!) consisting of at least one
signal peptide domain(!) of at least one target protein(!) of a
intracellular(!) pathogen”) and claim 36 (”restriction enzyme sites”
were disclosed in my DE19925052 A1, claims 9, 12 and 20 (for
therapeutic use)) and claim 42 of Vaxil’s US20120177677). But as
mentioned above these descriptions of Vaxil (Vaxil BioTherapeutics
Ltd. (TASE:VAXL)) are not new and not inventive because of my
Investors of Vaxil must know this information because this key
intellectual property of Vaxil can be lost (for example, patents will
not be granted or if granted by errors of examiners, the patents can
be rejected after reexamination with the United States Patent and
Trademark Office (USPTO)), and thus the products/product canditates of
Vaxil can not be protected from competitors. This information about
Vaxil is also published as the blog
But, the recognition of my inventive work comprises, in addition to
citations by Laboratorios del Dr. Esteve and Fundacio Privada Institut
de Reserca de la SIDA-Caixa, also citation of my German patent
DE19937512 for fast genome sequencing in the US patent US7163658 of
the American inventor Rouvain Bension, citation of my German patent
publication DE19953696 for cures for Alzheimer’s disease in two
American patents US7557182 and US7902156 of Angiochem, citation of my
German patent publication DE19822406 for antiprion molecules in the US
patent US8034766 of E I du Pont de Nemours and Company and of
University College London, citation of my German patent DE19925052
(for gene therapy, to combat viruses and for extension of cell lifes)
in two US patents US7999073 of Lonza and US7320859 of Amaxa (a small
German firm), as well as citation of my US patent application
US20080242565 for new lubricants based on chemically modified
biomasses in the US patent US8273694 of Californians Jeffrey A.
Brown, Joseph A. Duimstra and Jason P. Wells.
But, Imre Hollo (Director, Administration and Finance, WHO Regional
Office for Europe, UN City, Copenhagen, Denmark), in his email from
June 26, 2013 to me, (as reply to my email to Zsuzsana Jakab), denied
to advice/to inform the member states of the World Health Organization
(WHO) about my inventions, my solutions of biomedical problems of
people. Thus, Imre Hollo has demonstrated, that the WHO is not
interested, both in healthcare and in health of people, and that WHO
does not wish to combat cancer, HIV and autoimmune diseases.
My according prior patent documents, which are cited in the patents of
others, are basic publications, which built basis for these patents of
others listed above. My cited by du Pont patent application DE19822406
and my patent application DE10133071 comprise protease-containing
fusion proteins, i.e. fusion proteins comprising protease and these
published patent application DE19822406 and my patent application
DE10133071 damaging priority worldwide make the following
protease-fusion proteins (fusion proteins containing protease) of
Syntaxin Ltd, Allergan Inc. and Health Protection Agency not new and
not inventive: WO2012156743 (“Therapeutic Fusion Proteins” of
Syntaxin Ltd (GB), mentioned inventors are John Chaddock (GB) and
Elaine Harper (GB); this invention comprise protease cleavage sites
(claim 1), disclosed in my DE19925052 A1, claims 9, 12), AU2011202219
(“Fusion Proteins” of Health Protection Agency and Allergan Inc;
mentioned inventors are Keith Foster, John Chaddock, Philip Marks,
Patrick Stancombe, Roger Aoki, Joseph Francis and Lance Steward) and
US20110091437 (“Fusion Proteins” of Syntaxin and Allergan). My
DE10162870 (claim 1) also discloses fusion proteins containing
protease and any other region or domain.
My inventions help people and, in addition, big amounts were already
saved, acquired and generated and can be saved and generated through
my published inventions.
I have 8 German patents, 5 US patent applications, 5 international PCT
patent applications and over 35 German patent applications. My
inventions comprise new therapies (new anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory,
anti-autoimmune and anti-viral cures), novel antibody-binding fusion
proteins that can be used both as cures and for diagnosis, novel
diagnostic and fast genome sequencing systems, (my German patents for
sequencing are DE19929530, DE19937512 and DE102008037890), as well as
new composite and construction materials (my US20090070900 and
DE102007027596), high quality synthetic diamonds and methods for their
large scale manufacturing (my international patent application
WO2012104722, the US patent application US20120199792 and the German
patent application DE102011010422) and new lubricants (my
US20080242565, my German patent DE19825129 and German patent
applications DE102006054892, DE102006055672 and DE102006055673).
Interestingly, the word ”biodiamonds”, I introduced, was illegaly used
in the name of the company ”Bio-Diamonds” in the UK.
The novel Cherkasky’s synthetic diamonds according to my International
PCT Patent Application WO2012104722 „Novel Cherkasky’s Synthetic
Diamonds and Diamond-Like Materials and Methods and Devices for
Production Thereof”, US Patent Application US20120199792 „Novel
Cherkasky’s synthetic diamonds and diamond-like materials and methods
and devices for production thereof” and German Patent Application
DE102011010422 “Neuartige synthetische Diamanten und diamantartige
Materialien und Verfahren und Vorrichtung zu ihrer kontinuierlichen
Herstellung” (Novel synthetic diamonds and diamond-like materials and
methods and devices for their continuous manufacturing) can be
preferably produced/manufactured by using the High-Pressure
High-Temperature (HPHT)-Technology and can be manufactured
continuously from continuously cultivated or collected and modified
with catalysts and then incinerated biomass, preferably algal biomass
enriched with salts of metal catalysts in order to achieve, to reach
optimal spatial arrangement and even distribution, dispersion of metal
catalysts in the carbon matrix doped with salts/metal catalysis. The
biomass enriched with salts will be incinerated to ash, whereby the
resulting ash can be also additionally enriched with salts (catalyst
metal-halogen-compounds), and this ash will be converted to diamonds
through HPHT treatment/process. The resulting synthetic diamonds are
very near to or similar with the natural diamonds, especially with
natural eclogitic diamonds, where carbon has organic origin, i.e.
carbon originates from detritus, i.e. from biomatter.
Thus, colorless, white and colored synthetic diamonds can be made,
whereby the production process is similar to natural production
process, i.e. natural production process will be “mimicked”. The
structure of natural diamonds and thus physical and especially optical
properties of natural diamonds will be “mimicked”, i.e. copied or
transferred, because metal ions are dispersed or dotted in the carbon
structure and these metal ions, which are doped in a carbon/diamond
host material act as activators or excitable light emitters. These
synthetic diamonds according to my invention comprise the
incorporation of a wide range of dopants (using controlled doping) and
if necessary in high concentrations, thus the resulting synthetic
diamonds are fluorescent and/or phosphorescent.
In current, recent methods, carbon will be firstly purified from
metals and than mixed with metals, but it is not necessary to purify
carbon from metals and than mix it with metals in order to produce
synthetic diamonds.
Thus, this invention allows to increase yield of HPHT-process and to
manufacture large amounts of synthetic diamonds with high quality and
structure and properties like in natural diamonds. It will be also
possible to make novel diamond products.
The World Federation of Diamond Bourses (WFDB) in Antwerp, Belgium
(Ex-President of WFDB Avi Paz, as well as the WFDB-President Ernest
Blom and the Secretary-General of WFDB Rony Unterman) denied and still
deny to publish this information about this my invention of
high-quality like-natural synthetic diamonds on the WFDB website. This
information about Like Natural Synthetic Diamonds is also published as
http:// likenaturalsyntheticdiamonds.
In the new composite materials, new construction materials and new
solar batteries according to this my invention US20090070900 matrix
material can be saved (Example 5 (0022)) and replaced through
renewable material, which biomolecules and biomasses are.
In addition, the resulted materials according to this invention are
long living because hubs in materials are replaced through more
complex structures, which biomasses and biomolecules are. Moreover,
because of increased content of biomasses and biomolecules the
resulted materials according to this invention are more solid and
My invention of novel antibody-binding fusion proteins (published as
my international, U.S. and German patent applications WO2005040382,
WO2006136892, US20070106066, US20080200652, DE10350131, DE10202191 and
DE102005028619) for use both as cures (in order to boost the effect of
anticancer IgG-anbodies via cytotoxic action and/or attracting T cells
against target cells, as well as in order to neutralize IgE-antibodies
which are overproduced by asthma, allergies and eczemas) and as
diagnostic and sensor molecules, (in order to reach a densest spatial
arrangement of antibodies on a surface (for the creation of highly
sensitive testing, moreover multiparallel diagnostic systems,
especially for detecting toxins and viruses)) was plagiaristically
used by Samsung and published in its patent applications WO2011055897,
US20120283408, EP2496608 and KR20110048777.
Anticancer antibody-binding fusion protein (US20120076780 ”Recombinant
Fusion Protein and Polynucleotide Construct for Immunotoxin
Production” of Itay Barnea (IL), Itai Benhar (IL), Rahamim Ben-Yosef
(IL) and Akiva Vexler (IL); filed: September 22, 2011; claims 1, 7, 14
and 15) is also not novel and not inventive because of my
US20080200652, WO2005040382, WO2006136892, US20070106066 and
I have also proposed the establishing the new first-in-the-world
network of unique institutes for evaluation and implementation of
(preferably biomedical) inventions as solutions of (preferably
biomedical) problems of people.
This new organization will transparently evaluate and implement
inventions (show their feasibility) and will work in addition to
academic research institutes and firms and independently from status
of inventors, but dependently from quality of inventions, because
everybody could need innovative, inventive biomedical help and
patients need a broad inventive biomedical help.
Continuous implementation of inventions will make new hope for
patients and reduce risks of investors.
Please visit the blog http:// cherkaskysneweconomicmodel.
to learn more.
My proposed inventions, especially confirmed and recognized inventions
as well as my proposed inventions implementation organization make
hope for people and thus deserve to be suported and need to be
I am also seeking for support for my proposed International League of
Inventors for Protection of Interests of Inventors and for
Establishing The Cherkasky’s Patent System.
People Could Be Already Healed With My Anti-Cancer, Anti-Viral And
Anti-Autoimmune Inventions
Alexander Cherkasky
My name is Alexander Cherkasky, I am award-winning and
media-highlighted inventor and biologist and my story concerns various
fields including science, economy and general information relating to
all people, especially because my already published inventions can
help people. My inventions can heal. And a number of my inventions was
confirmed and my inventions are feasible and work.
The totality of facts described below is very near to everybody and
this totality of the facts disclosed below is unique. Thus I am
seeking for support for commercial implementation of my proposed
inventions, especially my anti-cancer, anti-viral, anti-autoimmune
inventions, inventions against metabolic disorders, inventions for
prolongation of cell life and extension of human life, renewal of
cells and tissues, regenerations, especially for neural regeneration,
and sequencing and diagnostic inventions, as well as inventions of
novel high-quality like-natural (like-as-natural) synthetic diamonds,
new lubricants and new materials, especially building materials. In
addition to seeking for partners for joint foundations of companies, I
am also seeking for support for establishing the new research
institute for further working on my solutions of biomedical problems.
Interesting is, that certain firms including Micromet, (who wanted to
be a ”future leader”), Merck in Darmstadt (Germany), Bayer, Apogenix,
Halcyon Molecular, Vaxil, Vecoy and ZS Genetics as well as the
organization Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum (DKFZ, German Cancer
Research Center) are involved in plagiarism, in stealing my inventions
of anti-cancer fusion protein cures, anti-viral therapies and fast
genome sequencing systems.
Micromet, which was listed on the technology stock exchange NASDAQ (as
a public company with ticker symbol MITI) and which is now merged into
Amgen and renamed, ignored my two comments on Google Finance, in
Discussion Group about Micromet, although Micromet was a public
About Micromet’s plagiarism of my anticancer and antiautoimmune
inventions wrote also The New Rhein Newspaper (NRZ) Dusseldorf on
March 26, 2013, also because Micromet was a German company and I
immigrated from Ukraine to Germany in 1996 and I started to invent, to
create theoretical problem solutions (without lab, without working in
a laboratory).
Amgen denied to give any statement to NRW Dusseldorf about its deal
with Micromet, although Amgen is also a public company.
NRZ Dusseldorf wrote also about the plagiarist Apogenix, who stated
and just still continues to state that ”its” anticancer inventions are
I filed my first invention (of targeted genetically engineered
oncolytic viruses with recognizing receptors or antibodies) in the
year 1998, (my German patent application DE19818938), as I was student
at Goethe-Gymnasium (High School) in Dusseldorf.
The New Yorker Nobel Laureate Joshua Lederberg tried to claim this
invention in his US patent application US20040033584, but because I
had and have priority in Germany, which is priority worldwide,
Lederberg’s patent application was not new and not inventive.
The international patent application WO2006119449 for oncolytic
viruses of the American inventor David Curiel is also not novel and
not inventive because of my prior German patent publication
This my DE19818938 makes also the US patent application US20040247569
”Reduction in bacterial colonization by administering bacteriophage
compositions” of Intralytix, Inc., Baltimore, MD, US, (named inventors
are Glenn Morris, Alexander Sulakvelidze, Zemphira Alavidze (Tbilisi,
GE), Gary Pasternack and Torrey Brown; filed: December 2, 2003) not
new and not inventive.
In the years 1999 and 2000 I participated on the scientfic youth
competition ”Jugend forscht” (”Youth researches”) and presented my
inventions of novel anti-Alzheimer, anti-autoimmune and anti-cancer
fusion proteins. It evoked broad interest of press and about me and
inventions of mine reported Stern (The Star, March 25, 1999), Bild der
Wissenschaft (Picture of Science), Westdeutsche Zeitung (Westgerman
Newspaper), Neue Rhein Zeitung (New Rhein Newspaper), Rheinische Post
(Rhein Post) and other media.
”Jugend forscht” or ”Youth researches” was observed by the firm Bayer,
who made obstacles, but paid approximately 300 million euro to the
plagiarist Micromet for my invention presented at ”Youth researches”
in 2000!
For my novel selective anticancer fusion proteins I was awarded the
Bronze Medal ”For Outstanding Achievements” and the Honorary
Certificate of the largest international inventors competition in
Germany IENA (Ideas-Inventions-New Products) 2003 in Nuremberg.
By searches in the data banks of patent literature I discovered, that
a number of my inventions were used, were implemented and confirmed
with success by experiments and in certain cases my name and my
according patent documents were mentioned, refenced and in other cases
my name and my according patent documents were not referenced. The
cases, in which my name and according patent publications are not
referenced, although I have clearly documented priority and
inventorship, are either cases of plagiarism, because the totality of
joint features is obvious and plagiarists are not able to explain the
differences, that would make their ”inventions” new and inventive, or
are cases of insufficient searches in the data banks for patent
literature. Plagiarists are, in this context, persons, who are aware
of my according priority and inventorship, but in despite of this
knowledge, these persons continue to make false statements about
inventorship, but such statements are false, because no arguments or
no evidence were provided by these plagiarists.
Please read the following blogs to learn more:
Interestingly, the US company Halcyon Molecular cited my German
patent DE19937512 for fast genome sequencing in their US patent
US8153438, but Halcyon Molecular did not explained a difference, that
would make their patent , (issued by error of examiner and thus
rejectable after reexamination with the USPTO), new and inventive.
Errors of patent examiners can take place and this is obvious on
illustrative examples of issued US patents US7323440 (of Micromet) for
Fc-Autoantigen, especially Fc-AchR fusion proteins and US8007813
(based on the US patent applications US20070269449 and US20110305697
of Apogenix) for Fc-Receptor and Fc-Ligand fusion proteins, although
all Fc-Autoantigen, Fc-Receptor-Region, Fc-Receptor and Fc-Ligand
fusion proteins are disclosed in my prior patent publication
DE10160248. Because of this my DE10160248 both issued by error of
examiners US patents US7323440 of Micromet and US8007813 of Apogenix
can be reexamined and invalidated/rejected after reexamination by the
Because of my DE10160248 a number of patent documents/patent
applications are not new and not inventive. These published not new
and not inventive patent documents of others include the following:
EP2465524 (European patent application “Autoantibody production
inhibitor” of Nihon Pharmaceuticals in Tokyo (JP) describing
Fc-Autoantigen fusion proteins), WO2012159550 (“FGFR-Fc Fusion Protein
and Use thereof” of Yantai RC Biotechnogies Ltd (CN), Jianmin Fang
(CN), and Dong Li (CN)), NZ591970 (“Fusion Constructs and Use of Same
to Produce Antibodies with Increased Fc Receptor Binding Affinity and
Effector Function” of Pablo Umana, Peter Bruenker, Claudia Ferrara and
Tobias Suter at Roche Glycart AG, (also published as AU2012213963)),
MX2011011044 (“Antibody Fusion Proteins with Modified FcRN Binding
Sites” of Kin-Ming Lo (DE) and Pascal Andre Stein at Merck Patent
GmbH; especially claim 8 describing Fc Fragment), US20120093814
(“Fusion Proteins Comprising Canine FC Portions” of Keith Canada,
Sanjaya Singh, Xiangyang Zhu at Boehringer Ingelheim International
GmbH (DE)), NZ569702 (“Recombinant human EPO-Fc fusion proteins with
prolonged half-life and enhanced erythropoietic activity in vivo” of
Wang Houtao Du Yong et al at Novagen Holding Corp), KR20120028358
(“Truncated ACTR II B-Fc Fusion Proteins” of Seehra Jasbir (US) and
Kumar Ravindra (US) at Acceleron Pharma (US)), KR20120041139 (“Human
Interleukin-1 Receptor Antagonist-Hybrid Fc Fusion Protein” of Handkok
Pharmaceuticals Co Ltd (KR)) and US20120116056 (“Fc fusion proteins of
human growth hormone” of Sun Bill Nai-Chau (CN), Liou Ruey-Shyan (US)
et al).
But known are the cases in which examiners of patent offices done
searches and sent search reports to others, revealing with these
search reports, that my according prior patent documents made and make
claims and descriptions of others not novel and not inventive. For
example, my patent document DE19925052 was sent as search result for
the following patent publications of others: WO03070193 (”RNA
Interference Mediated Inhibition of HIV Gene Expression Using Short
Interfering Nucleic Acid (siNA)” of Sirna Therapeutics Inc. (US),
James McSwiggen (US), Leonid Beigelman (US) and Dennis Macejak (US),
also published as US20030175950, JP2006502694, EP1572128, CA2476394
and AU2003215345), EP1361891 (and WO02/066514 (PCT/EP02/01690))
(”Artifical Fusion Proteins with Reduced Immunogenicity” of Stephen
Gillies (US), Francis Carr (GB), Tim Gones (GB), Graham Carter (GB),
Anita Hamilton (GB), Stephen Williams (GB), Marian Haulon (GB), John
Watkins (GB), Matthew Baker (GB) and Jeffrey Way (US) at Merck Patent
GmbH (DE), (whreby Merck (Patent GmbH) replied to me in 1998 with deny
of cooperation, stating, that my proposed inventions are outside of
Merck’s research focus)), and EP1308516 (”Site-directed Recombinase
Fusion Proteins and Corresponding Polynucleotides, Vectors and Kits
and Their Uses for Site-directed DNA-Recombination” (Filed: October
24, 2001 and published on May 07, 2003) of Ferenc Mueller (DE), Uwe
Straehle (DE), Laszlo Tora (FR), Olasz Ferenc (HU), Janos Kiss (HU)
and Monika Szabo (HU) at Association pour le Developement de la
Recherche en Genetique Moleculaire in Paris). Plagiarism of Apogenix
and German Cancer Reserch Center DKFZ, confirmed by examiners of the
European Patent Office, was descibed in my blog
Examiners sent my DE10162867 as research result concerning the
international patent application WO2006045591 (PCT/EP2005/011441)
“Method and Constructs for Delivery Double Strauded RNA to Pest
Organisms” of Devgen NV (BE), Thierry Andre Olivier Bogaert (BE),
Richard Zwaal (BE), Geert Plaetnik (BE), Jan Octaaf de Kerpel (BE) and
Titus Jan Kaletta (BE).
I have developed programs of inventions including anti-cancer,
anti-autoimmune and anti-viral inventions.
My anticancer inventions (my program including my DE10350122,
DE19925052, DE19818938, DE19922406, DE10160248, DE10161899,
DE10161738, DE10161739, DE10162870, DE10162867, DE10350131,
DE102005028619, WO2006136892, WO2005040382, US20070106066 and
US20080200652) comprise inventions which allow to modify cancer cells
in order to normalize or combat them by acting on cytoskeleton,
cytoxically and/or by attracting T cells against target cells. In
addition, the effects of the anti-cancer antibodies which are already
on the market can be boosted by using my novel antibody-binding fusion
proteins. Damaged tissue can be regenerated with my inventions of
genetically modified cells expressing regeneration and genesis
proteins (my published German patent document DE19951694).
Because of my DE19925052, DE10161738 and DE10162870 covering novel
cytotoxic fusion proteins, the international patent application
WO2005116221 for immune suppressive hCTLA4-Ig (human cytotoxic T
lymphocyte antigen-Immunoglobulin)-fusion proteins (of Boryung Pharm
(KR))), is not new and not inventive.
Because of my DE19925052 (and DE10162870) the following publications
of others, disclosing fusion proteins containing cell specific
recognition domains in order to direct immune cells against target,
preferably cancer cells, or fusion proteins containing cell specific
and cytotoxic domains, (as well as spacers and protease-sensitive
sites), are not new and not inventive: WO2007002905 and EP1909832
(“Antibody-Immune Cell Ligand Fusion Protein for Cancer Therapy” of
Joseph Rosenblatt (US), Khaled Tolba (US) and Seung-Uon Shin (US) at
the University of Miami, (claim 18 discloses also “a monocyte
receptor, a B-cell surface receptor, and/or a T cell surface
receptor”), US20070071759 (“Antibody-Immune Cell Ligand Fusion Protein
for Cancer Therapy” of and Seung-Uon Shin, Joseph Rosenblatt, Khaled
Tolba at University of Miami), WO2006083961 (“Targeted Polypeptides”
(according to the abstract “for treating, preventing, and/or
monitoring therapy for a B-cell proliferative disorder”) of Michael
Rosenblum (US), Lawrence Cheung (US) and Mi-Ae Lyu (US) at Reserch and
Development Foundation (US); especially the claims 1-14, whereby
claims 4,5,10 and 14 describe cytotoxic B-cell targeting fusion
proteins), EP1217070, WO02052022 and AU2002229675 (“Selective
cytotoxic fusion proteins” of Felicia Rosenthal, Ou Cao and Peter
Kulmburg at Cellgenix Technologie Transfer; claim 27 reveals “a
polypeptide comprising…receptor (IL-2 receptor), …spacer
and…ribonuclease…”, (fusion proteins according to my DE19925052A1
comprise a receptor (claim 5), nuclease (claim 21), and hinge/spacer
domain (11 in Fig.1, Fig.3 and Fig.5)), claim 1 of EP1217070 reveals
“…a fusion protein which comprises a first polypeptide capable of
binding to a cell surface receptor present on human cells and a second
polypeptide which is toxic to a human cell after internalization of a
said second polypeptide by the human cell”; this fusion protein is
revealed in claims 5,12 and 13 and Fig.1 of my DE19925052A1),
US20110071214 (“Methods and Compositions for the Treatment of Cancer”
of Allen Gregory John (AU), (also published as WO2009137872 and
CA2760041), especially claims 1,4,83 (single-chained antibody) and 88
(haematological cancer)), US200600228404 (“Compositions and methods
for treatment of hypertrophic tissues” of Daniel Anderson (US), Robert
Langer, Robert Padera, Weidan Peng and Janet Sawicki; especially
claims 24,42 (cytotoxic or cytostatic polypeptide), 48 and 100
(site-specific recombinase), 104 (toxins), (the according claims in my
DE19925052A1 are 5,1 and 21)), US20120269837 (“Substance binding human
IgG Fc Receptor IIb (Fc gamma RIIb)” of the Nobelist Robert Huber
(DE), Peter Sondermann (CH), Kerstin Wendt (DE), Chiara Cabrele (DE)
and Luis Moroder (DE); especially the claims 57, 60 (polypeptide of
claim 57 conjugated to Fc [gamma] RIIb or Fc (gamma) RIIa) and 73
(cancer); (see claim 5 of my DE19925052A1), US20120269837 is also
published as WO2005051999, US2008014141, PT1709073 and PL1709073 and
is not novel also because of my DE10160248, DE10202191 and
DE102005028619), US20120107301 (“Method of treating autoimmune disease
by inducing antigen presentation by tolerance inducing antigen
presenting cells” of Katherine Bowdish (US), Anke Kretz-Rommel (US),
and Naveen Dakappagari at Alexion Pharma (US), especially the claims
8,13 (an antibody/peptide construct as in claim 8 further comprising a
toxin linked to the antibody) and 14 (tumor cell toxin); US20120107301
is also published as WO2004091543, US20060257412, US20060280679 and
NZ577166 and is also not novel because of my DE10133071), WO2007048022
(“Antibody-polypeptide Fusion Proteins and Methods for Producing and
Using Same” of Anke Kretz-Rommel et al at Alexion Pharma; this fact
was also described in my blog http://cherkaskyoffers.
and US20110275120 (“Fusion Proteins with Cleavable Spacers and Uses
Thereof” of Shen Wei-Chiang (US) et al at University of Southern
California; also published as WO2008121898, US20080299612, US7956158
(which can be invalidated and withdrawn after re-examination with the
USPTO), JP2010522570 and EP2139318, which are not novel because of
claim 12 and Fig. 3 (11 (hinge or spacer) and 9 (protease sensitive
site), 9 and 11 in combination) of my DE19925052A1).
My anti-autoimmune inventions (DE19822406, DE10133071 (making for
example MBP-toxin disclosed in WO2011101870 “Fusion Proteins for the
Treatment of Multiple Sclerosis and other Autoimmune Disorders” of
Kollipara Koteswara Rao (IN) at Transgene Biotek Ltd (IN) not novel
and not inventive), and DE10160248) allow to cleave and/or to
remove/neutralize autoantibodies and destroy autoreactive cells,
especially autoreactive B and T cells. And my DE19951694 allows to
regenerate tissue(s) destroyed especially by autoimmune attacks. With
my DE10202191 (Method for isolation and manipulation of single
molecules) still unknown autoantigens (from autoantigen candidates)
can be identified (0034-0038 of my DE10202191). Based on the
autoantigen information, new anti-autoimmune fusion proteins according
to my DE19822406, DE10133071 and DE10160248 can be made.
My anti-viral inventions allow to combat viruses both inside the cells
(by using my cell-specific, cell-penetrating and blocking nucleic acid
(antiviral ribozyme or antisense RNA)- transportating fusion proteins
disclosed in my German patent DE19925052) and outside the cells by
using my invention of cell-traps for viruses (my invention DE19951694
from the year 1999).
DE19951694 is a multipurpose invention comprising genetically modified
cells, especially immune cells, which express, for example neural or
neurogenesis proteins (like NGF, BDNF and/or other neural proteins)
for (in vivo) immune cell-induced neurogenesis and neural regeneration
(claims 5 and 16 and description, column 5, lines 30-36) and these
genetically modified cells, preferably immune cells, express also, or
alternatively, myelinogenesis proteins for immune cell-induced
myelination as well as myogenesis proteins for immune cell-induced
regeneration of muscles (claim 14) and/or angiogenesis proteins for
immune cell-induced angiogenesis (claim 3).
Cell-traps for viruses express antiviral antisense RNA and/or
antiviral ribozymes (for netralizing or cleavage/destruction of viral
RNA or DNA) and receptors for viral recognition, (like CD4 for HIV,
see claim 11 of my DE19951694).
Fusion proteins and fusion protein complexes according to DE19925052
can recognize targeted cells, (already infected cells or cells, that
can be infected), through the recognition region, penetrate them and
internalize into them through the mebrane penetration domains (MPD) or
cell penetration peptides (CPP) and bring into cells molecules,
especially antiviral RNA (such as specifically cleaving ribozyme(s) or
specifically neutralizing antisense RNA).
Fusion proteins containing any random protein (to be transported into
a cell) and MPD (membrane penetration domain) or CPP (for membrane
penetration and internalization) are covered by my published
DE19925052A1 (claims 4, 5, 6, 11 and 12), DE19951694 (claims 4 and 9)
and DE10162867 in the claim 1.
Because of my patent publication DE10162867 (claim 1 discloses fusion
proteins comprising, i.e. containing membrane penetration domain and
any other region/domain), as well as my DE19951694 and DE19925052, the
following publications of others, disclosing fusion proteins
containing MPD or CPP, are not novel and not inventive:US20120135021
(”Cell Penetrating Peptides and Its Use Fused to Biomolecules With
Therapeutic Action” of Torens Madrazo; Isis del Carmen; (Ciudad de la
Habana, CU); Guerra Vallespi; Maribel (CU); Granadillo Rodriguez;
Milaid; (CU); Reyes Acosta; Osvaldo (CU); Acevedo Casto; (CU) and
Boris Ernesto; (CU)), KR20020074282 (”Cell-Transducible Catalase
Fusion Protein And The Use Theseof” of Choi Su Young (KR) et al; also
published as KR100495139), KR20020010445 (”Cell-Transducing HIV-1
TAT-Superoxide Dismutase Fusion Protein And Use Theseof” of Choi Su
Young et al), WO2011084061 (”CPP (Cell Penetrating Peptide) and Its
Uses” of Universitair Medisch Centrum St. Radboud (NL), Roland Brock
(DE) and Wouter Verdurmen (NL); especially claim 4 (”the cationic CPP
is selected from the group consiting of: a cationic CPP
peptidomimetic, an arginine-rich CPP, a guanidine-rich CPP
peptidomimetic, a CPP derived from the human milk protein
lactoferrin”) and claim 9 (”the CPP is used in combination with
another cancer therapy”)), MX2008008548 (”Peptides Useful As
Cell-Penetrating Peptides” of Roland Brock (DE), Rainer Fischer (DE),
Mariola Fotin-Mleczek (DE), Hansjoerg Hufnagel and Norbert Windhab at
Evonik Roehm GmbH; also published as WO2007076904, US20100061932,
SI1966240, KR20080091120 and JP2009521908), KR20100001091 (”Fusion
Peptides Introducing Antibody into Cells, and Cellular Imaging and
Targeted Drug Delivery System Using the Same” of Chung Sang Jeon (KR)
et al, at Korea Research Institute of Bioscience), CN102311500
(”Antiviral fusion protein and application therof” of Lei Yang et al.
at Hangzhou Normal University), KR20100006939 (”Method for
Reprogramming of Cells Using Fusion Protein Delivery” of Korea
Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology, (named ”inventors”
are Koo Deog Bon (KR), Kim Jang Hwan (KR), Cho Yee Sook (KR), Lee Seok
Jae (KR), and Park Tae Jung (KR))), and WO2010010112 (”Construct and
Method for the Internalization of Cargo Molecules Into a Cell” of DKFZ
Krebsforschungszentrum (DE), Markus Moosmeier (DE), Felix Hoppe-Seyler
(DE) and Karin Hoppe-Seyler (DE), also published as EP2147683).
Viral genetic information, i.e. viral nucleic acids inside cells can
be also specifically cleaved by selective fusion proteins containing
nuclease (enzyme for cleaving nucleic acids). This invention is
disclosed in my published German patent document DE10162870 (from the
year 2001). Because of my patent publications DE19925052 A1 (claims 5
and 21) and DE10162870, (claim 1 disloses also fusion proteins
containing nuclease and any other region or domain), the following
publications of others, disclosing fusion proteins containing
nuclease, are not novel and not inventive: WO2012168304 (”Protein
Having Nuclease Activing, Fusion Proteins and Uses Thereof” of
Helmholtz Zentrum Muenchen (Helmholtz Zentrum Muenchen-Deutsches
Forschungszentrum Fuer Gesundheit und Umwelt GmbH (DE)) and Ralf
Kuehn (DE)), WO2012168910 (”Nuclease Fusion Protein And Use Thereof”
of BASF Plant Science Co GmbH (DE), BASF China Co LTD (CN), Ines
Fonfara (DE), Wolfgang Wende (DE) and Alfred Pingoud (DE)),
WO2012169916 (”Sequence-Specific Engineered Ribonuclease H and The
Method for Determining the Sequence Preference of DNA-RNA Hybrid
Binding Proteins” of Miedzynarodowy Inst. Biolog. Molekularnej i
Komorkowej (PL), Janusz Marek Bujnicki (PL) et al; this WO2012169916
is also not novel because of my DE10162867 covering nucleic acid
binding fusion proteins), US20090123972 (”Staphylococcal nuclease
fusion proteins for the production of recombinant peptides” of Canada
Natural Research Council, (named inventors are Su Zhengding (CA) and
Ni Feng (CA)), WO2011159369 (”Nuclease Activity of Tal Effector and
Foki Fusion Protein” of University of Iowa Research Foundation (US),
named inventors are Yang Bing (US) and Li Ting (US)), WO2012168304
(”Protein Having Nuclease Activity, Fusion Proteins and Uses Thereof”
of Helmholtz Zentrum Muenchen (DE) and Ralf Kuehn (DE)) and
WO2011154393 (”Fusion Proteins Comprising A DNA-Binding Domain of A
Tal Effector Protein And A Non-Specific Cleavage Domain Of A
Restriction Nuclease And Their Use” of Helmholtz Zentrum Muenchen
(DE), Ralf Kuehn (DE) et al; also not novel because of my DE10162867,
claim 3 (disclosing fusion proteins containing DNA binding
My DE10162870, (claim 1 discloses also fusion proteins containing
GTPase or GTP hydrolase and any other domain), makes also not new and
not inventive the patent application US20120329725 (“Chimeric Peptides
for the Regulation of GTPases” of Yi Zheng (US) and David Williams
(US); especially claims 1 and 15 (GTPase domain from a GPA protein)).
Viral nucleic acids inside the cells can be also specifically blocked
and neutralized by selective fusion proteins containing nucleic
acid-binding regions for specific binding to and neutralization of
viral RNA and/or DNA sequences. The invention of the according fusion
proteins is disclosed in my published German patent document
DE10162867. These fusion proteins according to my published inventions
mentioned above can be used both against tumors and against viruses.
Because of my DE19925052A1 and my patent publication DE10162867,
(claim 3 discloses fusion proteins containing sequence-specific or
sequence-unspecific nucleic acid binding domains, like DNA- or
RNA-binding domains and any other domain), the following publications
of others, disclosing fusion proteins containing nucleic-acid binding
domains, are not novel and not inventive:
WO2012161227 (”Nucleic Acid Construct, Nucleic Acid-Protein Complex,
and Use Thereof” of Riken (JP), Akira Wada (JP) and Hiroyuki Osada
(JP)), WO2011072479 (”Fusion Protein Containing a Single-Stranded DNA
Binding Protein and Methods For Expression And Purificaton of the
Same” of Kong Daochun (CN) et al.), WO2011154393 (Fusion Proteins
Comprising a DNA-Binding Domain of a TAL Effector Protein And a
Non-Specific Cleavage Domain of a Restriction Nuclease and Their Use”
of Helmholtz Zentrum Muenchen (DE), Ralf Kuehn (DE), Wolfgang Wurst
(DE) and Melanie Meyer (DE); WO2011154393 is also published as
EP2392208 and is also not novel because of my DE10162870 disclosing in
the claim 1 of DE10162870 also fusion proteins containing nuclease),
KR20120065114 (”A Pharmaceutical Composition Using A Fusion Protein
Comprising DNA Binding Domain From GATA-3 of Transcription Factors And
Protein Transduction Domain For Treating An Allergic Asthma And A
Method Using The Same” of Lee Sang Kyou (KR) and Seong Ye Kyung (KR)
at Industry-Academic Cooperation Foundation and Yonsei University),
WO2012169916 (”Sequence-Specific Engineered Ribonuclease H and the
Method for Determining The Sequence Preference of DNA-RNA Hybrid
Binding Proteins” of Miedzynarodowy Inst. Biolog. Molekularnej i
Komorkowej (PL), Janusz Marek Bujnicki et al; also not new because of
my DE10162870 disclosing in claim 1 of DE10162870 also all nuclease
fusion proteins), US20120214208 (”Fusion Polypeptides and Uses
Thereof” (fusion proteins containing DNA-binding domain and ligase) of
Michael Patrick Wayne (NZ) and Robert Henry Wilson (NZ) at Massey
University (NZ); also published as WO2011034449, SG179200,
KR20120093882, EP2478014 and CN102597006), KR20120017913 (”An
Inhibitor for Transcription Factor of Fusion Protein Comprising DNA
Binding Domain of Transcription Factor And Protein Transduction
Domain” of Tae Yoon Park (KR) and Lee Sang Kyou (KR) at
Industry-Academic Cooperation Foundation, Yonsei University),
US20110123509 ”Fusion Molecules of Rationally Designed DNA-Binding
Proteins And Effector Domains” of Derek Jantz (US), Michael Nicholson
(US), and James Smith (US); also published as WO2009134714,
JP2011519558, EP2279250 and CA2722797), WO2012033382 (and
KR20120026927 ”Novel RNA-Binding Protein and Label-Free Detection
Method For Detecting Micro RNA Using Same” of Korea Research Institute
of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Jung Yong Won (KR) et al.),
US20100159527 (”Polypeptides Having Nucleic Acid Binding Activity and
Compositions and Methods For Nucleic Acid Amplification” of Life
Technologies Corp (US), (named ”inventors” are Patrick Martin (US),
David Simpson (US) and Christine Hardy (US); also published as
WO2006074233, US20060228726 and EP2208796) and US20020137699
(”Expression Systems Comprising Chimeric Promoters With Binding Sites
For Recombinant Transcriprion Factors” of Rolf Mueller (DE), Dirk
Nettelbeck (DE), (Dirk Nettelbeck is also involved in plagiarism of my
DE19818938, please see my blog
and Hans-Harald Sedlacek (DE)).
My published patent application DE10162867, (claims 3 and 6 (nucleic
acid-protein complexes), makes also not new and not inventive the
international patent application WO2012113513 (“Vaccine Composition
Comprising Compexed Immunostimulatory Nucleic Acids and Antigens
Packaged with Disulfide-Liked Polyethyleneglycol/Peptide(!)
Conjugates” of Curevac GmbH (DE), Patrick Baumhof (DE), Karl-Josef
Kallen (DE), Mariola Fotin-Mleczek (DE); especially claim 1).
Above mentioned Roland Brock (DE), Mariola Fotin-Mleczek (DE) as well
as Rainer Fischer (DE), (Rainer Fischer knows my published inventions,
also because I discussed my certain inventions with him), published a
joint above mentioned patent application MX2008008548 (“Peptides
Useful as Cell-Penetrating Peptides” of Evonik Roehm GmbH), and this
confirms relations and cooperative interconnections between some
persons involved in plagiarism of my inventions. According to Der
Spiegel (Nr. 42/15.10.2012, p. 76-79), CureVac got 65 million euro and
than 80 million euro (total 145 million euro) with help/share of
Dietmar Hopp’s biotech investment firm dievini. Spiegel wrote, that
CureVac received the highest investment, a German biotech company ever
received in a private financing round. CureVac is based in Tuebingen,
is led by Ingmar Hoerr and is developing RNA-based therapies and
vaccines for cancer and infectious diseases. All RNA-based therapies
for cancer and infectious diseases are covered by my DE19925052A1 and
DE10162867. Spiegel wrote incorrectly and wrong, that Hoerr first
stabilized RNA and “incidentally” “discovered” the “meaning of RNA”
(for therapy). A number of discoveries, that I already made,
(theoretically, without lab), was made “incidentally”. These
discoveries include some formula and inventions “made by” Micromet,
Halcyon Molecular (brothers Andregg), and the group of Terao, Washizu
and Oana, (wounding long DNA sequences around the bobbins), (please
see the blogs http://
in addition to CureVac, (who got 145 million euro investment),
Apogenix got 58,5 million euro investment, (also from dievini of
Dietmar Hopp, as well as from the German Cancer Research Center,
Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum (DKFZ), (who denied me support and
cooperation in 1998, (in reply from Dr. Ruth Herzog from May 28,
1998)), but DKFZ plagiaristically used my inventions and supported
Apogenix and invested in it, (although examiners of the European
Patent Office sent my DE10160248 as search report/search result to the
patent applications of Apogenix and DKFZ EP1606318 (“Improved Fc
Fusion Proteins”), WO2004/085478 and EP2004003239, i.e. DKFZ (from my
letter to DKFZ in 1998) and Apogenix were aware about me and my
inventions also from the search report of the European Patent Office;
these facts were described in the blogs
in German)) and Apogenix got a 5 million euro gift or „donation“ for
„support“ from the German Ministry for Education and Research
(Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, BMBF), whereby BMBF was
and is aware about my inventions and published my inventions on the
website of BMBF,
i.e. BMBF was aware, that BMBF supported a plagiarist firm Apogenix),
Micromet got approximately 1 billion USD, (as part of it, approx. 300
million euro from Bayer, who observed my participation on “Youth
researches” scientific competition in 1999 and 2000, and was aware
about my presented inventions of therapeutic anti-Alzheimer and
anticancer fusion proteins, but Bayer did not awarded me and gave 300
million euro to Micromet for my presented anticancer invention;
another major part Micromet received from selling stocks on NASDAQ),
Halcyon Mollecular (brothers Andregg) got 28 million USD from
investors…, only to list some few plagiarists who got money via
deceiving investors and concealing my inventorship.
Because of easy invalidation of “intellectual property” of
plagiarists, (for example, patents issued by errors of examiners can
be reconsidered or reexamined, invalidated after reexaminations (with
the USPTO)), plagiarists can not protect products or product
candidates from competitors and thus investors can lose their invested
My anti-viral and anti-cancer invention published in my published
international patent application WO2006/136892 was used as basis and
cited/referenced both in the European patent application EP2447277 and
in the international patent application WO2012055985 (covering new
vaccines for HIV/AIDS) of the Spanish company Laboratorios del Dr.
Esteve and Spanish research institute Fundacio Privada Institut de
Reserca de la SIDA-Caixa. This confirms recognition and quality of my
invenitve work.
Founder of Vecoy Nanomedicines Erez Livneh stated and continues to
state, that nobody before him invented traps, (especially cell-traps)
for viruses, although he is aware about my priority and inventorship
of my according prior published German patent document DE19951694
covering also cell traps for viruses. Visit the blog
Thus Livneh’s published international patent application WO2013030831
(especially claims 1, 10 (the world ”cell”), 11, 12, 23, 25 and 31) is
not novel and not inventive because of my prior DE19951694.
Interestingly, this my published German patent application DE19951694
(from the year 1999), (Filing date: October 27, 1999)), which damages
and claims priority worldwide, discloses also in the claims 4 and 9
fusion proteins comprising random proteins of interest and membrane
penetration domains (MPD), as well as fusion proteins comprising
random proteins of interest and signal peptides, i.e. signal peptide
domains. Thus these fusion proteins can migrate in extracellular and
intracellular space (claim 4).
This my invention of fusion proteins comprising any protein and signal
peptide domain, disclosed in DE19951694, was descibed and
plagiaristically used by the Israeli company
Vaxil (by Lior Carmon) in its US20120177677 (”Antigen Specific
Multi-Epitope-Based Anti-infective Vaccines”), WO2011007359 and
EP2453914 (from the years 2009 and 2010) and ”Antigen Specific Multi
Epitope Vaccines” (US20100074925 (claims 39, 57, 58), EP2089423,
WO2008035350, CA2665816 and AU2007298494). In these publications Vaxil
described ”peptide vaccines including the signal peptide domain”
(Abstract of US20120177677 as well as claim 29 (”a vaccine comprising
a peptide or a recombinant polypeptide(!) consisting of at least one
signal peptide domain(!) of at least one target protein(!) of a
intracellular(!) pathogen”) and claim 36 (”restriction enzyme sites”
were disclosed in my DE19925052 A1, claims 9, 12 and 20 (for
therapeutic use)) and claim 42 of Vaxil’s US20120177677). But as
mentioned above these descriptions of Vaxil (Vaxil BioTherapeutics
Ltd. (TASE:VAXL)) are not new and not inventive because of my
Investors of Vaxil must know this information because this key
intellectual property of Vaxil can be lost (for example, patents will
not be granted or if granted by errors of examiners, the patents can
be rejected after reexamination with the United States Patent and
Trademark Office (USPTO)), and thus the products/product canditates of
Vaxil can not be protected from competitors. This information about
Vaxil is also published as the blog
But, the recognition of my inventive work comprises, in addition to
citations by Laboratorios del Dr. Esteve and Fundacio Privada Institut
de Reserca de la SIDA-Caixa, also citation of my German patent
DE19937512 for fast genome sequencing in the US patent US7163658 of
the American inventor Rouvain Bension, citation of my German patent
publication DE19953696 for cures for Alzheimer’s disease in two
American patents US7557182 and US7902156 of Angiochem, citation of my
German patent publication DE19822406 for antiprion molecules in the US
patent US8034766 of E I du Pont de Nemours and Company and of
University College London, citation of my German patent DE19925052
(for gene therapy, to combat viruses and for extension of cell lifes)
in two US patents US7999073 of Lonza and US7320859 of Amaxa (a small
German firm), as well as citation of my US patent application
US20080242565 for new lubricants based on chemically modified
biomasses in the US patent US8273694 of Californians Jeffrey A.
Brown, Joseph A. Duimstra and Jason P. Wells.
But, Imre Hollo (Director, Administration and Finance, WHO Regional
Office for Europe, UN City, Copenhagen, Denmark), in his email from
June 26, 2013 to me, (as reply to my email to Zsuzsana Jakab), denied
to advice/to inform the member states of the World Health Organization
(WHO) about my inventions, my solutions of biomedical problems of
people. Thus, Imre Hollo has demonstrated, that the WHO is not
interested, both in healthcare and in health of people, and that WHO
does not wish to combat cancer, HIV and autoimmune diseases.
My according prior patent documents, which are cited in the patents of
others, are basic publications, which built basis for these patents of
others listed above. My cited by du Pont patent application DE19822406
and my patent application DE10133071 comprise protease-containing
fusion proteins, i.e. fusion proteins comprising protease and these
published patent application DE19822406 and my patent application
DE10133071 damaging priority worldwide make the following
protease-fusion proteins (fusion proteins containing protease) of
Syntaxin Ltd, Allergan Inc. and Health Protection Agency not new and
not inventive: WO2012156743 (“Therapeutic Fusion Proteins” of
Syntaxin Ltd (GB), mentioned inventors are John Chaddock (GB) and
Elaine Harper (GB); this invention comprise protease cleavage sites
(claim 1), disclosed in my DE19925052 A1, claims 9, 12), AU2011202219
(“Fusion Proteins” of Health Protection Agency and Allergan Inc;
mentioned inventors are Keith Foster, John Chaddock, Philip Marks,
Patrick Stancombe, Roger Aoki, Joseph Francis and Lance Steward) and
US20110091437 (“Fusion Proteins” of Syntaxin and Allergan). My
DE10162870 (claim 1) also discloses fusion proteins containing
protease and any other region or domain.
My inventions help people and, in addition, big amounts were already
saved, acquired and generated and can be saved and generated through
my published inventions.
I have 8 German patents, 5 US patent applications, 5 international PCT
patent applications and over 35 German patent applications. My
inventions comprise new therapies (new anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory,
anti-autoimmune and anti-viral cures), novel antibody-binding fusion
proteins that can be used both as cures and for diagnosis, novel
diagnostic and fast genome sequencing systems, (my German patents for
sequencing are DE19929530, DE19937512 and DE102008037890), as well as
new composite and construction materials (my US20090070900 and
DE102007027596), high quality synthetic diamonds and methods for their
large scale manufacturing (my international patent application
WO2012104722, the US patent application US20120199792 and the German
patent application DE102011010422) and new lubricants (my
US20080242565, my German patent DE19825129 and German patent
applications DE102006054892, DE102006055672 and DE102006055673).
Interestingly, the word ”biodiamonds”, I introduced, was illegaly used
in the name of the company ”Bio-Diamonds” in the UK.
The novel Cherkasky’s synthetic diamonds according to my International
PCT Patent Application WO2012104722 „Novel Cherkasky’s Synthetic
Diamonds and Diamond-Like Materials and Methods and Devices for
Production Thereof”, US Patent Application US20120199792 „Novel
Cherkasky’s synthetic diamonds and diamond-like materials and methods
and devices for production thereof” and German Patent Application
DE102011010422 “Neuartige synthetische Diamanten und diamantartige
Materialien und Verfahren und Vorrichtung zu ihrer kontinuierlichen
Herstellung” (Novel synthetic diamonds and diamond-like materials and
methods and devices for their continuous manufacturing) can be
preferably produced/manufactured by using the High-Pressure
High-Temperature (HPHT)-Technology and can be manufactured
continuously from continuously cultivated or collected and modified
with catalysts and then incinerated biomass, preferably algal biomass
enriched with salts of metal catalysts in order to achieve, to reach
optimal spatial arrangement and even distribution, dispersion of metal
catalysts in the carbon matrix doped with salts/metal catalysis. The
biomass enriched with salts will be incinerated to ash, whereby the
resulting ash can be also additionally enriched with salts (catalyst
metal-halogen-compounds), and this ash will be converted to diamonds
through HPHT treatment/process. The resulting synthetic diamonds are
very near to or similar with the natural diamonds, especially with
natural eclogitic diamonds, where carbon has organic origin, i.e.
carbon originates from detritus, i.e. from biomatter.
Thus, colorless, white and colored synthetic diamonds can be made,
whereby the production process is similar to natural production
process, i.e. natural production process will be “mimicked”. The
structure of natural diamonds and thus physical and especially optical
properties of natural diamonds will be “mimicked”, i.e. copied or
transferred, because metal ions are dispersed or dotted in the carbon
structure and these metal ions, which are doped in a carbon/diamond
host material act as activators or excitable light emitters. These
synthetic diamonds according to my invention comprise the
incorporation of a wide range of dopants (using controlled doping) and
if necessary in high concentrations, thus the resulting synthetic
diamonds are fluorescent and/or phosphorescent.
In current, recent methods, carbon will be firstly purified from
metals and than mixed with metals, but it is not necessary to purify
carbon from metals and than mix it with metals in order to produce
synthetic diamonds.
Thus, this invention allows to increase yield of HPHT-process and to
manufacture large amounts of synthetic diamonds with high quality and
structure and properties like in natural diamonds. It will be also
possible to make novel diamond products.
The World Federation of Diamond Bourses (WFDB) in Antwerp, Belgium
(Ex-President of WFDB Avi Paz, as well as the WFDB-President Ernest
Blom and the Secretary-General of WFDB Rony Unterman) denied and still
deny to publish this information about this my invention of
high-quality like-natural synthetic diamonds on the WFDB website. This
information about Like Natural Synthetic Diamonds is also published as
In the new composite materials, new construction materials and new
solar batteries according to this my invention US20090070900 matrix
material can be saved (Example 5 (0022)) and replaced through
renewable material, which biomolecules and biomasses are.
In addition, the resulted materials according to this invention are
long living because hubs in materials are replaced through more
complex structures, which biomasses and biomolecules are. Moreover,
because of increased content of biomasses and biomolecules the
resulted materials according to this invention are more solid and
My invention of novel antibody-binding fusion proteins (published as
my international, U.S. and German patent applications WO2005040382,
WO2006136892, US20070106066, US20080200652, DE10350131, DE10202191 and
DE102005028619) for use both as cures (in order to boost the effect of
anticancer IgG-anbodies via cytotoxic action and/or attracting T cells
against target cells, as well as in order to neutralize IgE-antibodies
which are overproduced by asthma, allergies and eczemas) and as
diagnostic and sensor molecules, (in order to reach a densest spatial
arrangement of antibodies on a surface (for the creation of highly
sensitive testing, moreover multiparallel diagnostic systems,
especially for detecting toxins and viruses)) was plagiaristically
used by Samsung and published in its patent applications WO2011055897,
US20120283408, EP2496608 and KR20110048777.
Anticancer antibody-binding fusion protein (US20120076780 ”Recombinant
Fusion Protein and Polynucleotide Construct for Immunotoxin
Production” of Itay Barnea (IL), Itai Benhar (IL), Rahamim Ben-Yosef
(IL) and Akiva Vexler (IL); filed: September 22, 2011; claims 1, 7, 14
and 15) is also not novel and not inventive because of my
US20080200652, WO2005040382, WO2006136892, US20070106066 and
I have also proposed the establishing the new first-in-the-world
network of unique institutes for evaluation and implementation of
(preferably biomedical) inventions as solutions of (preferably
biomedical) problems of people.
This new organization will transparently evaluate and implement
inventions (show their feasibility) and will work in addition to
academic research institutes and firms and independently from status
of inventors, but dependently from quality of inventions, because
everybody could need innovative, inventive biomedical help and
patients need a broad inventive biomedical help.
Continuous implementation of inventions will make new hope for
patients and reduce risks of investors.
Please visit the blog http://
to learn more.
My proposed inventions, especially confirmed and recognized inventions
as well as my proposed inventions implementation organization make
hope for people and thus deserve to be suported and need to be
I am also seeking for support for my proposed International League of
Inventors for Protection of Interests of Inventors and for
Establishing The Cherkasky’s Patent System.
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